Just need to quickly clarify that which engine you use is dictated by the regulations of the championship you wish to run in, if you wish to do open races or the TKM series you can choose what to run.
So same as before ill try and give a brief simplified explanation of what they are. First lets talk about the clutch, most kart clutches (shifter karts aside) are Centrifugal, to explain centrifugal force try to imagine a conker at the end of a string and as you spin the other end faster and faster the conker becomes further and further away from you. That in mind, lets move on how the rear axle is connected to the engine. this time its not connected directly to the crank, it is connected to a clutch drum that spins on the crank freely.
Inside this drum we have a TAB/HUB this has parts that expand under that centrifugal force we talked about, it has big metal conkers inside that expand and hold on to the drum (Labeled below). thus we have a connection between the crank and the rear axle and therefore POWER. We get the centrifugal force by spinning the crank (just like spinning the conker) and increase/reduce the amount by increasing/reducing throttle.
Now, TaG karts have a started motor and battery on board to start the engine, ordinary clutched engines need separate starter motors. that you don't carry in the kart.
Advantages (Kinda the opposite of DD)
-If you spin its not race over! if your carb is set up right you shouldn't stall and can keep going.
-Easier, you don't have to run out to rescue your friend every time they spin out (if your reading this Mr "Friend" you know exactly who you are)
(Feel free to add more in the description)
-More expensive, Clutched karts cost more and most require maintenance around every 30 hours (the difference isn't massive but it does exist.
-Many people like the way direct drive engines slow down when you release the throttle, this effect doesn't exist with a clutch.
-BATTERIES BATTERIES, my god batteries, i hate batteries. they are like needy little children, you need to charge them before and after meeting and if you have any sense of safety you have to do this outside in a clear environment.
-TaG karts are in general heavier as you carry a starter motor, battery and a clutch on board, but my fellow karters at the http://www.karting1.co.uk forum have told me it doesn't have a big effect
That is all for this segment and battle of the engine types. it was a short one and one i hope you have enjoyed, it has certainly started some controversy over on the above forum, so feel free to share you opinions in the comments section below (Keep 'em clean)
Be Well ----------------------- Mustafa S. Wandi
mate ya tha is wicked i fink you should of started it wiiv suttin beter yano